A Small Man with a Big Heart for Love, Life and the Arts
An Artist, a Dreamer, a Piscean, a Poet
In other words and other worlds, I am The Fool.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

MIA (Missing in Internet Action)

“Sir, Quay here, reporting back for blogging duty, Sir!”

I have been an MIA for more than a month now.

Nope, I didn’t get lost in the deserts or modern day jungle of Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, or of the other Emirates trapped in my own Gulf war, nor did I get sucked into any thing resembling a blackhole in cyberspace. Fact of the matter is, you could say I was nowhere near the battlefield of Tim Berners-Lee’s creation.

I just got caught in the worldwide web of work lately whereas before it was in the real World Wide Web I was entangled in, specifically the blogging world. It was back to the intricacies of the real world for me, the 9-6 job and the commuting in the morning and hitching a ride in the evening with co-workers. You could say I was unplugged for the past few weeks. I have become a full-time working soldier again constantly doing battle with the everyday world. If only blogging could be considered a job and would pay well...sigh.

While my other cyber-army buddies like Dean, Nikki, Jo, Pauline, and Joey plodded on to do the blogging battle, I got left temporarily behind in the blog mania or the whole Internet thing for that matter. Not that I wanted to but circumstances forced me to. I was loaded and swamped with work and other stuff (and that’s an understatement I’m telling you) that I even hardly had time to check my emails even at the office or at home. And whenever I had time to check them, it’d be for just a minute or two and I would only make short replies to the emails of family and friends. I was on the stalker mode, like a Special Forces ranger left in the forest for days, lurking among the shadows, stalking behind the grasses, and waiting for the right moment to make his kill or reappear among his teammates.

I was AWOL for quite some time. But now I am back in my own “The Fool” blog-barracks, preparing for battle… the literary kind, fully loading my mind with words as bullets and ready to fire away on the keyboards again.

I hope to hit the right targets once more.
Quay fooled around at 8:16 PM
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